Maintenance & Call-Out
A 24-hour call-out service is available with all tower cranes being out of service for the shortest period possible. As the plant is relatively new, only routine maintenance is predominantly undertaken. Although highly unlikely, major repairs are swiftly completed with the necessary resources being readily available. All cranes undergo thorough inspections as per LOLER. They are also fully checked and serviced upon dismantling every time, prior to being erected on a new site.
Why Topsky?
We're making room for self care today with plan.
Unlimited support
New range coming in on a weekly basis veg section.
A vast array of accessories is available to meet our client's specific requirements. This ranges from concrete skips to rescue systems. Please contact our very…
Qualified Personnel
Qualified Personnel
We have a host of qualified personnel at our client's disposal. This ranges from CPCS operators, appointed persons, lift supervisors and slingers/signalers. We now have…
Health And Safety
Health And Safety
as a building company, All necessary health and safety documentation is produced in advance of any work. This includes the lifting plans, method statements, risk…